It’s Time to Stop and Refocus EHR Efforts
Healthcare’s uniqueness stems from its personal and emotional characteristics, and deep ties to our sense of humanity.
Why HIT Tools Can Help Organizations Navigate the Challenges of Growth
With the advent of EMRs and other sophisticated clinical and administrative HIT systems, each transferred patients comes with an exponentially larger set of patient data, much of it extremely valuable to receiving hospitals and their clinical staff trying to effectively and efficiently manage the limited resources available to treat these very complex patients.
Repeal and Replace: It’s Complicated
This past February, the President announced that the delivery of healthcare to America’s 300 million residents embraced more complexity than he previously realized. Only a few days before, at the annual HIMSS conference in Orlando, former Speaker of the House John...
3 Ways to Improve Return on IT Investment
he ACA evolved from tough negotiations among all healthcare stakeholders.
Show Me the Money
At the close of 2017, some version of “x-care” will exist. Whether it be Obamacare, Trumpcare or Ryancare, no one’s mantra will be “I don’t care”.
Why the Pressure’s Rising for EMRs to Make and Impact
To understand our struggle to obtain value from EMRs, it is important to “show you the money.”
Reconsider Documentation Vision for EHRs
“Je n’ai fait celle-ci plus longue que parce que je n’ai pas eu le loisir de la faire plus courte.’ or roughly translated as ‘I have done it longer because I did not have the leisure to make it shorter.”
Build a Care Team
A 21st century approach to care delivery requires an understanding of the skills and knowledge of each care team provider, and development of a patient-centered care model built upon the team approach to a clinical problem rather than a top-down methodology driven solely by the physician.
Digital Documentation: More or Less
The introduction of EMRs over the past decade completely changed the way we write clinical notes. No longer limited by our hand driven writing speed, our notes reflect typing speed, and more importantly the functionality of the EMR used for documenting care.
Why Unified Notes Can Lessen Documentation Time
Does increased documentation improve outcomes? Does it reduce costs? There exists scant evidence that either of these are true.
Personal Grid Facilitates Delivery of Complete Records
For more than a decade William Yasnoff, MD, advocated the use of a centralized model for storage of medical records in a health record bank.
MACRA Targets Meaningful in Meaningful Use
While some consider the Meaningful Use program a failure, this viewpoint contains overtones of “Monday morning quarterbacking.”
Siting on a Cure for Cancer
Click on the image above to see the highlights from the 2016 Pan-Mass Challenge. Please donate at
Pan-Mass Challenge 2016 – 32nd Ride
Donate to fight cancer Although I like to start off on a happy note, even the sunniest of days has a few clouds. First, Helen, Davina, Lynne, Art, Mike, and Suzanne are doing well. Cancer researchers think we are turning the corner in our effort to defeat cancer. I am...
How MACRA Will Shift Providers’ IT Efforts
For the MACRA program to be effective patient data from numerous points of care must be collected, yet ineffective interoperability presents a substantial barrier to producing the necessary reports.
Why the Explosion of IoMT Exposes Providers’ Security Risk
IoMT devices require robust security protocols embedded in the devices to protect their connected networks from infiltration by hackers.
Why Things Matter
Sensors provide the foundation for the Internet of Things (IoT) technology movement.
EHR Vendors Raise Provider Expectations for Other IT Vendors
The rapid deployment of EMR systems into provider organizations created problems for ERP vendors.