The role of a prognosticator is to accurately predict the future. Although many have tried to predict the trend of the stock market, an imminent earthquake, or even the end of the world, soothsayers rarely get their predictions correct. That said, they are very grateful that most people only remember the correct predictions and rarely if ever called to task for their incorrect ones. In this spirit, below are my predictions for 2016.

1. Internet of Things (IoT) Continues to Gain Interest but Not Much More

2. Politics Influences the Healthcare Conversation but the Industry Continues its Current Course

3. Provider Organizations Set the Stage to Effectively Leverage their EMRs to Enhance Clinical Care

4. CHIME’s Voice and Influence on Healthcare Policy Grows

5. Provider Industry Consolidation Continues but at a Slower Pace

6. HL7s Proposed FHIR Standard Opens the Floodgates for Healthcare App Development

7. Drug Costs Take Center Stage as the Obstacle Preventing the Slowing of Healthcare

Excerpts from: Predicting the Future: What to Look for in 2016. Becker’s Hospital Review, January 20, 2016