It’s Time to Stop and Refocus EHR Efforts

It’s Time to Stop and Refocus EHR Efforts

Every day, physicians, nurses, pharmacists, therapists, orderlies and janitors walk into a hospital, clinic or medical office with only one thought in mind: “What little part can I do today to help heal those who are sick?” Healthcare’s uniqueness stems from its...
Repeal and Replace: It’s Complicated

Repeal and Replace: It’s Complicated

This past February, the President announced that the delivery of healthcare to America’s 300 million residents embraced more complexity than he previously realized. Only a few days before, at the annual HIMSS conference in Orlando, former Speaker of the House John...
MACRA Targets Meaningful in Meaningful Use

MACRA Targets Meaningful in Meaningful Use

The 2015 Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act (MACRA) opened the way for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) to streamline the quality improvement and healthcare information technology programs built over the past several years. Since the...
Watson, Come Here I Need You

Watson, Come Here I Need You

Although a call for Watson brings to mind Alexander Graham Bell’s first words on the telephone or Sherlock Holmes greeting to his physician companion, The New York Times heralded another Watson on its February 17, 2011, front page. The artificial intelligence computer...