Build a Care Team

Build a Care Team

With healthcare complexity increasing daily, traditional models of delivering care fail to offer a viable framework capable of delivering high quality care at a reasonable cost. The rapid and ever-changing medical knowledge makes It impossible for any healthcare...
Digital Documentation: More or Less

Digital Documentation: More or Less

Remember the blue book? Starting as early as junior high school, teachers would hand out that pale blue 8” x 8” booklet, giving each student 50 minutes to handwrite everything they knew about a particular subject. Urban legend suggested teachers issued grades based on...
MACRA Targets Meaningful in Meaningful Use

MACRA Targets Meaningful in Meaningful Use

The 2015 Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act (MACRA) opened the way for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) to streamline the quality improvement and healthcare information technology programs built over the past several years. Since the...