A Symphony of Evidence-based Staffing

A Symphony of Evidence-based Staffing

For more than 100 years, the Boston Symphony Orchestra (BSO) entertained audiences in Symphony Hall, one of the finest musical halls in the world. As information technology advanced, the BSO deployed numerous systems to manage ticketing, payroll, and personnel...
Railroads, Weed and EMRs

Railroads, Weed and EMRs

As independent companies built railroad lines in the 19th century, each company chose a different gauge—the distance between the inner rails—for their track. As the railway industry first grew out of the need to transport mined materials, most early railroad companies...
Bacchus and Healthcare

Bacchus and Healthcare

Showing great wisdom, our mothers cautioned us to never judge a book by its cover. Yet, when we purchase wine, we often look for the fancy label design, interesting back label story, or colorful capsule covering the cork. That said, most wine drinkers use price as the...