Featured Articles

A Symphony of Evidence-based Staffing

Orchestra on a stage

In many ways healthcare is like a symphony orchestra. Although information technology can enhance care planning, assist in medication administration, and reduce duplicative testing, it cannot replace the people required to deliver care services to patients.

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At All Cost?

Rolled up US paper money

How does an industry survive—and how can our society expect healthcare costs to be reasonable—when hospitals do not know their costs of production or reasonableness of the bills they send to patients and insurance companies?

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Our Tower of Babel

Skyscrapers in Kuala Lampur

Although this explains well why communication is so difficult among people from different countries, it fails to address the inability of our various healthcare information technology (HIT) systems to exchange patient data seamlessly.

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Evolving to Health 3.0

Inspirational words on a board

Organizations that will survive under the new realities of ACA recognize the power of healthcare information technology (HIT) to assist them in reworking their business processes and clinical workflows to achieve the goal of high quality, affordable care.

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