Featured Articles

Is There Any Doubt It’s Broken?

Shredded flat tire on an old truck

If George Steinbrenner expects the Yankees to win the World Series every year considering he spends 40% more than any other team on payroll, is it wrong for us to expect the same from our spending on healthcare? Should we not receive the best care in the world?

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We Need Privacy Now

Outdoor surveillance cameras

Today, patient information is actively being used to target market products and services to patients. Although the data firms utilize is de-identified, they employ reverse lookup utilities to reconstruct the information with patient identifiers.

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Following Lance’s Lead – No Cheating

Person about to receive injection in arm

Haven’t we had enough of cheating? According to the NYTimes (Medical Papers by Ghostwriters Pushed Therapy, 8/5/09), medical journals published articles written by ghostwriters paid for by Wyeth, the pharmaceutical company, to promote the use of Wyeth’s hormone replacement therapy for women.

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Pan-Mass Challenge 2009

Bicycles in racks

I just completed my 2 day Pan-Mass Challenge, a 193 mile ride that raises money for the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute (Jimmy Fund) here in Boston. It is the single largest athletic fund-raising event in the world, raising more than $250 million dollars over the past 30 years.

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Is It Time to Play NICE?

Calculator on an open book

Much of the resistance to healthcare reform in Congress and beyond is based on cost concerns. Perhaps the success of healthcare reform is dependent upon the ability of comparative effectiveness research to show the way to cost savings that can fund the reform.

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Leverage Clinical Decision Support

Controls on an old tractor

Good clinical decision support tools can improve outcomes and cut costs. However consumerism evolves, it will surely play an important role in the delivery of health care. Only organizations that adjust to this sea change, through innovation and emphasis on consumer issues, will survive.

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