The Eyes Have It
Effectively leveraging new scorecards, representing the best in clinical business intelligence, requires a method to “capture the eyeballs” of the clinician in a way that influences behavior and modifies outcomes.
We Know What to Do
Counter to the pessimistic view that the billions of dollars spent on EMRs and other health IT systems are wasted resources, these investments offer a powerful force that, when the conditions are right, will significantly impact quality, safety, and cost.
Next Generation CDSS: Patient-Centered Workflow
Patient-centered workflow requires stringing together individual steps, linking processes, and bridging activities by multiple caregivers to create an effective orchestration of resources to enhance the health of the patient.
‘Show Me the Money’ Revisited
To date, hospitals, EMR vendors, and the government struggle to demonstrate the value of EMRs in enhancing patient care and delivering cost savings.
Super-Organism Focused Healthcare
Only recently have researchers viewed the human body as a super-organism, influenced as much by the genetics of the host as by the permanent bacterial residents.
The Roberts Legacy: ACA Upheld
Five decades hence, scholars will look back on this decision the way we look back on Brown vs. Board of Education. It is momentous in scope and will forever change how Americans live.
Patient-Centered Workflow
“Every system is perfectly designed to achieve exactly the results it gets.”
Sitting on A Cure for Cancer – 2012
Pan-Mass Challenge raising money to defeat cancer.
Print Me a Pill
3D printing offers the opportunity to print pharmaceuticals specifically produced to meet the needs of individual patients.
Sensory Overload?
The key to achieving that harmony of technology is through sensors, devises that collect vast amounts of data from an almost infinite number of sources.
Big Data Drives Big Change
The digital age is the age of big data where every piece of technology captures data available for later use. This digital “exhaust data,” is data created as a by-product of other activities.
It’s All About Jobs
When asked about the research that went into the design of the iPad, Jobs replied “None, it’s not the consumer’s job to know what they want.”
Web 3.0 Data-Mining for Comparative Effectiveness and CDS
Comparative effectiveness research, supported by data mining, allows organizations to identify affordable therapies that enhance patient care.
Say No to Paper
Going forward I will never allow anyone I know to be treated in a facility that bases its medical care on dangerous paper-based processes.
PMC 2011 – Still On the Road
It’s been 27 years since cancer took my dad from me. He was such a brave man, always thinking positively and never complaining.
Watson, Come Here I Need You
Watson’s success on Jeopardy! demonstrates the capabilities of computers to store and retrieve medical knowledge at the point of care, thereby freeing clinician minds from the unnecessary burden of recalling facts.
Seeing Is Not Believing
As organizations work at deploying health information technology and deliver clinical transformation through redesigned workflows, they need to recognize the basis for many of the errors we, as human beings, make in our everyday lives.
Failure is Not an Option
Effective use of information technology to reduce medical errors requires identifying the cause of the medical errors and the clinical transformation—the change in how we clinically do something—that reduces the probability of the error occurring.