Healthcare IT September 5, 2022

Revolutionary Health IT

by Barry P Chaiken, MD

While the U.S. spends close to 20% of GDP on healthcare, in a report published by the Commonwealth Fund the U.S. ranked last on access to care, administrative efficiency, equity, and health care outcomes. Only in use of measures of care processes does the U.S. rise near the top.


While we spend more per capita on healthcare than any other country in the world, our outcomes do not match up. Although there are regions of our country where care is exceptional, it is nevertheless expensive and clearly not universal across all populations or communities.

The Commonwealth Fund concluded that these four features distinguished top performing countries from the U.S.:

    1. Universal coverage and remove cost barriers
    2. Investment in primary care systems to ensure that high-value services are equitably available in all communities to all people
    3. Reduced administrative burdens that divert time, efforts, and spending from health improvement efforts, and
    4. Investment in social services, especially for children and working-age adults.

Whether as individuals, businesses, or government, we collectively spend great sums on care delivery yet obtain relatively low value in return.

Revolution is defined as a “drastic and far-reaching change in ways of thinking and behaving.” Our healthcare system requires a health information technology (HIT) revolution, a drastic change in the way we deliver care by utilizing IT in new and innovative ways. Insanely deploying IT, to replicate the processes and workflows that currently deliver our poor results on so many measures, only guarantees continued suboptimal and unacceptable outcomes.

Focus on Three Key Areas

Revolutionary HIT requires a focus on three key areas:

    1. Processes and workflows
    2. Information technology tools, and
    3. Healthcare provider tasks, duties, and responsibilities.

Touted as a source of great efficiency and effectiveness, information technology currently offers limited healthcare examples of significant and documented gains. Considering the millions of dollars spent on healthcare IT by organizations around the country, these results are quite discouraging.

To best understand why our gains from IT investments have not materialized, let us look to other industries as models. Across many industries that deployed IT, a lag period occurred where quality and costs savings did not appear. As frustrating as this period was, companies that continued to invest in IT slowly began to experience the jumps in productivity and profit that were long expected. Each organization reached a tipping point where processes and workflow evolved to take advantage of the new IT tools to deliver unprecedented results.

To look at the benefit of IT on these companies in isolation is to miss the true lesson to be gained from their experiences. Early on, the deployment of IT was viewed as the solution. Only after companies recognized it to be just a tool, did they formulate the real solutions based upon revised processes and workflow, which then provided much of the benefits.

Are We Insane?

Don Berwick, an international leader in healthcare quality improvement, observed that “every system is perfectly designed to get the results it gets.” Building on Dr. Berwick’s notion, other experts have defined insanity as doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

Perhaps for some of us, deployment of healthcare IT is our expression of insanity. Many organizations, led by dedicated and intelligent professionals, successfully implement – as defined by technical specifications – a variety of healthcare information systems only to discover that their process and outcomes measures change little. Unfortunately, without changing the underlying processes and workflows that existed before the implementation of healthcare IT, little change in those measures should be expected.

Solutions come from an in-depth understanding of tools and creative thinking around what each healthcare professional can do and how best to use  one’s individual skill . Bringing together experts in clinical medicine, information technology, and process redesign creates an environment where the best processes and workflows effectively leverage the new HIT tools. Such diverse working groups allow meaningful knowledge transfer and the development of solutions that transcend the expertise inherent in each silo of knowledge.

Valued solutions offer these professionals HIT tools that leverage their unique skills, while organizing the processes and workflows to deliver a consistently high quality, safe, and efficient healthcare outcome.

Can We Change?

Inherent in revolutionary HIT is the need for change—change in what professionals do and how they do it. Therefore, effective change management techniques must be utilized to facilitate the acceptance of the new processes and workflows, in addition to any new responsibilities and duties.

Currently patient delivery relies upon an unreliable system of poorly integrated and highly variable healthcare professionals. Revolutionary HIT solutions provide needed support tools that increase the reliability of the human components while integrating these components through effective processes and efficient workflows.

Revolutionary HIT fundamentally changes what physicians, nurses, and other healthcare professionals do. Physician activities become more challenging on a cognitive level as other routine tasks such as drug dose recall, use of best practice order sets, and drug-allergy checking become automated. Physician expertise is assigned to more important tasks including solving difficult diagnostic problems, devising customized patient treatment plans, and influencing patient adherence to chronic disease care regimens.

Work for nurses and other healthcare professionals changes dramatically, too. More tasks, formerly done by physicians or healthcare specialists, are completed by these professionals guided by intelligent processes and workflows that include meaningful HIT.

Revolutionary HIT places the right professional, with the right knowledge, in the right process, utilizing the right workflow to deliver the best evidence-based care to the patient. Care delivery is focused on the patient and their needs rather than the requirements of unchanged, ineffective workflows established before the dawn of information technology.

For information technology to play a valuable role in reducing healthcare costs while enhancing quality of care, it must be deployed in a revolutionary way that completely reinvents how care is delivered, with technology leveraged throughout care delivery. Without such a revolution, the billions of dollars currently being invested in healthcare IT will have little positive impact on our health.

You an learn more about the role of healthcare IT in enhancing quality, improving safety, fostering access, and managing costs in my book titled Navigating the Code: How Revolutionary Technology Transforms the Patient-Physician Journey


  1. Schneider, E.C., Shah, A., Doty, M., Tikkanen, R., Fields, K., Williams, R., MIRROR, MIRROR 2021 Reflecting Poorly: Health Care in the U.S. Compared to Other High-Income Countries. The Commonwealth Fund, August 2021.
  2. Chaiken, B. P. (2005). Path innovation: Transcending automation. Patient Safety and Quality Healthcare, 2(3), 46-47.
  3. Chaiken, B. P. (2007). Patient flow: A powerful tool that transforms care. Patient Safety and Quality Healthcare, 4(3), 6-7.

Excerpts from “Revolutionary Health IT: Cure for Insanity” first published in Patient Safety and Quality Healthcare and update frequently

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